The 2022 Chamber of Commerce Mentoring Programme came to an end this month and Knighthead Annuity was proud to be involved with two of our team members acting as mentors. Our General Counsel, Delia McMahon and Head of Risk Management, Pedro Reis volunteered their expertise to provide mentees with invaluable guidance.
"I was delighted to participate as a Mentor with the Chamber of Commerce Mentoring Cayman Programme this year,” says Delia. “No matter how far we climb in our own personal and professional journeys we can always look back to figure out who we can help along the way and in the process hope that each of our mentees gain some valuable takeaways and enjoy the mentoring experience as much as we do".
"The mentoring program is an amazing way to put Cayman students in contact with professionals from various businesses and it will hopefully help them decide what they want to pursue in their studies and professional life,” adds Pedro. “I have been honored to participate in the program as a Mentor during the last 8 years and I intend to continue mentoring these great students and sharing my knowledge with them going forward".
The Chamber of Commerce Mentoring Cayman programme was established in 2002, providing students with guidance and learning experiences in the workplace. The programme has numerous sponsors including Knighthead Annuity and is in partnership with the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Culture and Heritage.
High achieving year 11 students who are nominated by their principal are paired with a mentor, a distinguished and driven member of the business community or Government. Students shadow their mentor and actively engage in tasks to acquire skills throughout their time as a mentee. The mentor will provide advice and tips for their future career path allowing them to develop professionally.
Visit the Chamber of Commerce website to learn more about the Mentoring Cayman Programme.